Table Of Contents



Official Knowledge Base (KB) is located at The official KB holds information authored solely by and is authoritative.

This site – Users’ KB site was created in 2007 as community driven kb and contains UNOFFICIAL information. Other must-follow AmiBroker links are the AFL Reference, User Guide, AmiBroker Supported Sites, and the user-contributed AFL Library.

Dr. Howard B. Bandy has written a number of excellent books on afl code and system development. Please visit the Blue Owl Press website for more information.


  1. - How to use this site
    1. Contributors
      1. Capturing Images Using Microsoft Paint (v3)
      2. Introduction To Editing (v2) (2)
      3. Introduction To Graphics
      4. UKB Post Formats (v2)
      5. Using Blog Editors
        1. Converting Word Documents Into Posts
        2. Introduction To Windows Live Writer (1)
      6. Using WordPress
        1. Code editor special characters demo
        2. Introduction To The Admin Center
        3. Introduction To The Code Editor
        4. Ordering Posts
        5. Quick Posting
        6. Quick Posting Example - PDF Attachment
        7. Quick Posting Example - Word Attachment
    2. Readers
      1. How to make Suggestions and ask Questions (5)
      2. Tips and Tricks
      3. Viewing Microsoft Attachments
      4. RSS Feeds
        1. Example Feed Reader Program
        2. How Do I Read RSS Feeds?
        3. Introduction To RSS
        4. Using AmiBroker's RSS Feeds with Internet Explorer
  2. ~~ Author Profiles
    1. Brian_z
    2. Herman
  3. AFL programming
    1. AFL - The Basics
      1. Introduction to AFL
      2. Abbreviated Identifiers v2
      3. AFL Shapes Cheat Sheet
      4. BarCount versus BarIndex
      5. How Many Trading Days In A Year?
      6. Plotting Functions
      7. Selected Date Range
      8. Using IIF(), IF() and Switch() functions
      9. Weekly High or Low Days
    2. AFL - Utilities and Functions
      1. Date and Time to Number Conversions
      2. Equalize X-Range for all windows
      3. Plotting Trade-Lines
      4. Popup Window: Preventing pile-ups
      5. Restore Last Used Range v2
      6. Zoom-to-Range Applications
      7. Using the AddToComposite()
        1. Introduction to the ATC
        2. Deleting Tickers and Composites
    3. GFX Programming
      1. Adding Help-Tips to your programs
      2. Creating GFX Chart-Overlays (v3)
      3. Finding Pixel Boundaries
      4. Moving Low Level Graphics (GFX) Objects on your Charts
      5. Using a GFX Include file
  4. AmiBroker Tools and Features
    1. Plotting trades on chart
    2. Backtester
      1. Backtesting Example - NewHighs/NewLows
      2. Buy And Hold
    3. Custom Backtester
      1. AmiBroker Custom Backtester Interface
    4. Indicators
      1. Bollinger Band ZigZag Indicator
      2. MACD Histograms (v1)
      3. Plotting Gap Prices
      4. Reducing Indicator-Lag
    5. Scans
      1. New Highs/New Lows Indicator (v3)
  5. Blogroll
    1. AmiBroker Supported Sites
  6. Data
    1. AmiQuote FAQ's
    2. Data Adjustment - Yahoo
    3. Data FAQ's - Commodities
    4. Data FAQ's - EOD Equity
    5. Data FAQ's - Forex
    6. Data FAQ's - Fundamental
    7. Data FAQ's - Miscellaneous
    8. Data FAQ's - Real Time Equity
    9. Introduction To Data
    10. Data Resources
      1. Data Resources - Australia
      2. Data Resources - Commodities
      3. Data Resources - EOD Equity
      4. Data Resources - Forex
      5. Data Resources - Fundamental
      6. Data Resources - Real Time Equity
    11. Yahoo
      1. US-Stocks Database (v2)
      2. Yahoo Data FAQ's
      3. Yahoo's Data Providers (v2)
  7. Database Management
    1. AFL Testing Databases
    2. ASCII Import - Standard and Poor's Global 1200
    3. Database Management FAQ's
    4. Example Database
    5. Setup A Custom Database (v3)
    6. Setup A Custom Database - Nasdaq
    7. Database Management Resources
      1. Indexes - Dow Jones
      2. Indexes - Nasdaq
      3. Indexes - Russell
      4. Indexes - Standard and Poor's
      5. Instruments - American Depository Receipts
      6. Screener - Nasdaq Stock
      7. Sector Classifications - Hemscott (v2)
      8. Tracking Stock Changes (de-listings, name changes, events, adjustments etc).
  8. Real-Time AFL Applications
    1. Debugging AFL
      1. Introduction to Debugging AFL (6)
      2. Adding Manual Test Signals
      3. Bar-Scaling Tool
      4. DebugView vs. Interpretation Window
      5. DebugView: Introduction and Setup
      6. DebugView: _TRACE() Statements and Logging
      7. Detecting Look-Ahead Problems
      8. Numbering Bars
      9. Order Simulation using DebugView
      10. Plotting Trade-Prices
      11. Price Bound Checking
      12. Wrapping Functions
    2. Developing a RT Trading Dashboard
      1. Designing a Real-Time Trading Dashboard
      2. Linking the TDash Window with the Main Chart
      3. Introducing Order Markers
      4. Quick-Order Bar (QBar)
      5. Processing TDash Commands
      6. Logging and displaying trades
      7. The TDash GUI, Bar-Replay version
    3. Real-Time AFL Programming
      1. Static Variables in RT Systems
      2. Introduction to Real-Time AFL Programming
      3. Session Timing
      4. A Real-Time Message FIFO
      5. Backfill Exploration for Real-Time data
      6. Collecting and Plotting Ticks v2
      7. Data Holes in Real-Time Trading
      8. Date Calculations (v2)
      9. High-Precision Delay and Interval Timing
      10. Keeping Your Chart Right-Justified
      11. Keying Static Variables
      12. Measuring AFL Execution Times (v3)
      13. Pane and Window Execution order
      14. Persistent Variables (v3)
      15. Preventing Repeat Orders and Whipsaws
      16. Reading/Backing-up the TWS Exported Execution Report
      17. Real-Time Bar Period Timing
      18. Real-Time Bar-Period Timing
      19. Real-Time Delays
      20. Removing Static Variables
      21. Resetting Indicators
      22. Time Calculations
    4. Real-Time Auto-Trading
      1. Introduction to Real-Time Automated-Trading
      2. Internet Resources for AT
      3. Parsing TWS Error messages
      4. Request Real-Time Topics here
      5. RT vs EOD Trading
    5. Real-Time Chart-Trading
      1. Introduction to Real-Time Chart-Trading
      2. Setting prices with your cursor
    6. Real-Time Control-Panels
      1. Introduction to Real-Time Control-Panels
      2. A Basic Messaging Panel
      3. Button Header (Collapse/Expand)
      4. Button Rotate
      5. Command Buttons (Trigger type)
    7. Real-Time System Design
      1. Introduction to Real-Time System Design
      2. Designing a Tradable System - Spikes
      3. Gap-Trading demo, Session Timing Example
      4. High-Frequency Automated Trading (HFAT); Part 1
      5. High-Frequency Automated Trading (HFAT); part 2
      6. Real-Time Gap-Trading Demo, Basics (v3)
      7. System-Design Pitfalls
    8. System Automation
      1. The Edge of Auto-Trading
      2. Setting up your TWS for Automatic Trading
      3. The Master AT switch
      4. Testing your AB-IBc-TWS Communication
  9. Research and System Explorations
    1. Introduction to Research and Exploration
    2. Analyzing Ticker Relationships
    3. Candle-Stick Evaluation (v2)
    4. Using Zig() to reveal profit potential
  10. Statistics
    1. Statistics Resources For Traders
  11. The Trading Room
    1. Computer Selection and Set-up
      1. Your Trader Workstation
    2. Internet Communication Issues
      1. Internet Connections
    3. Multi-TWS Set-ups
      1. Running Multiple copies of AmiBroker
    4. Setting up a Trading LAN
      1. Sharing Data over a Private LAN
  12. Trading Systems
    1. System Ideas on the Internet
    2. Ideas (Experimental)
      1. Introduction to Trading Systems - Ideas
      2. 15 Day Performers Trading System
      3. A Long-only EOD Gap trading idea
      4. EOD Gap-Trading Portfolio system
      5. Inverse Return To Mean System
      6. KISS-001: Intraday Gap Trading
      7. MACD Trend System
    3. Practical (Profitable)
      1. Introduction to Trading Systems - Practical
  13. Trading Systems - Development Tools
    1. Intelligent Optimization
      1. Intelligent Optimization - An Introduction
      2. IO - Distributed Processing
      3. IO - Ease of Use
      4. IO - Exhaustive Search .vs. Intelligent Algorithms
      5. IO - Fitness, Goals and Constraints
      6. IO - More Advanced Problems
      7. IO - Out of Sample and Walk Forward Testing
      8. IO - Robustness, A Sensitive Subject
    2. System Management
      1. Introduction to Trading Systems - Management
  14. Trading Tools
    1. A Subliminal Intraday Trading Tool
  15. Uncategorized
    1. Date and Time to Number Conversions
    2. Pattern Recognition Across Timeframes
    3. Plotting trades on chart
    4. Popup Window: Preventing pile-ups
    5. WordPress upgrade
  16. User Interface
    1. AFL Templates v2
    2. Combination Charts
    3. Modifying Built-in Formulas
    4. Naming Formula Files
    5. Naming Formulas
    6. Organizing Formula Files
    7. Using Custom Colors
      1. Color Formulas
      2. Color Picking
      3. Colored Plots
      4. Extending The Range
      5. Palette Editing
      6. Pages

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